Nov 14, 2010


Here’s a list of common questions/emails I get. They’re not quite the norm I must say. But have no fear! I shall answer them all. Even the rude ones.

Q:You have a beautiful accent..where are you from ?
A :sigh..Kenya. We all have accents..when will you ever get it?

Q: Do you speak African?
A:No. do you speak American?

Q: How old are you? you look so young?
A: 24. I look young coz am young. how else do 24 yr olds look?

Q:Why pharmacy? just do nursing!
A: why  are you talking to me? just SHUT UP

Q:Why are you single?
A:if I knew the answer to that question I would not be single would I? on the other hand...ask cupid

Q:How do you stay so strong and in control of yourself?

A:Don’t get it twisted, I lose control too. We all have our times when we fall apart and not feel strong. But what makes you move on is actually the inner strength you always had within. Just learn how to channel that same energy into bettering yourself and surviving out of your worst. I channel mine through music, going to church and shooting monkeys and jerks.

Q:I heard that you __________. Is that true?

A: Yup, it’s all true. That will always be my answer. I’ve realized that no matter what you say, people will still believe what they want. Regardless if the truth is staring right in your face. During my tenure on the world wide web, I’ve learned that people will judge you according to what was told to them. So why bother prove myself to anyone?

Remark:I can't stand you..
A :oh. that's too bad. you can sit me. There's always options!!

Q:Girl, let me tell what _____ said about you…

A: Actually, don’t. I’m well above that & frankly, I don’t care. oh but you can go tell  whoever talked to you about me to shove it up where the sun doesnt shine. :)

Q:Do you believe in a higher power?

Q:What do you bank success on?

A:When you finally have a true peace of mind.

Q:I just got of a  relationship and I feel so lost. Where do I go from here?
A:Mapquest it

Q:Are you a virgin?
A : get a life.

Q: why did you breakup with your ex? Ya'll looked so good together!
A:He just wanted relations...not a relationship!!

Q: What advice can you give a young lady trying to figure out if this dude is right for her or not?
A: Pray!!. Do not settle for anything less that what you dream of. never ignore those redflags. pay close attention to how he interacts with your family. If he tells you he loves you and he barely knows you.. RUN!! If he is rushing things it means he is PLAYER! If he stands you up on a date it means he is on a date with another FEMALE!!! if his actions dnt match his words it means he is a JERK.

Q: how many boyfriends have you had?
A: get a job and stop worrying about me

Q: do you smoke?
A: who the hell wants to die of lung cancer?

Q: do you drink?
A: Yes, water with lemon is always perfect!

Q: Am looking for a wife..are you the one?
A : I was looking for a jerk. I think I found you.

Q: Q: I don’t see what’s the big deal about you & your blog. Every time I come here I’m not impressed.

A: Ok. So why you keep coming back?

Q: Do you have any kids?

Q: have you found a boyfriend yet? I will break a neck if someone hurts you. Just coz we broke up doesnt mean I dont care.
A: Obviously someone forgot to break YOUR neck when you hurt me. I dont need a boyfriend. I need a MAN

Q: Do you still have feelings for your ex?
A: DO pigs fly?

Q: Have you ever considered writing books? Your blogs are amazing!

A: I thought about it. Thats all I can say.

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