Dec 2, 2010

From my heart to my blog

1. I have to trust in God.....No matter what. Even though things look weary and scary, even when nothing is making sense or "perfect". As I sit here actually heavy hearted, angry, disgusted, name it. I've had a very rough and tough week. And even though I walk around laughing (which anyone that knows me well knows how much I loooove to laugh), smiling and being bubbly as usual actually DYING on the inside. But GOD has never failed me. Never. He has been with me every walk of my life and the cool part is before heartache can ever touch my goess through His hands. Thank you JAH!

2.I'm running my second half marathon this sunday, December 5th. Its the Dallas white rock marathon which is one of the largest running events in Dallas. All the money and proceeds benefit the Scottish Rite Children's hospital. Wish me luck coz I didnt train as well as I was supposed to.

3.There are times in our lives where certain things we are trusting and waiting on God are put on "PAUSE"...and we are just waiting for God to press " PLAY". Be it of broken can only pray that God will press " PLAY" and get that area of our lives into motion. Press " PLAY" Lord...take the heaviness away...

4.Pharmacy school applications are uhhm tedious and can really break your bank. 150 per school per application and 75 for each school's supplemental application. Where am I getting that money? DON'T KNOW!!!

5. I feel Like crying , screaming on top of my lungs and showing the world my middle finger.

6. Thank you Larona, Rachel, Latissa and Kylie for making my night. Especially Larona ..girl you are special.

This is all I have for now....I know it doesn't seem like much but I am just not in the mood today...*sigh*...I know it will be better tomorrow!!

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