Oct 16, 2010


I came across this interesting blog/relationship website and in light of my last entry, I wanted to share it with you. I think women should use this as a "guide," not a bible to their relationship troubles. I was wary about putting this up because women, sometimes when they get something they think is "newfangled" when in reality its just common sense, they go overboard and fit all the little tips in little boxes and screw up. (I.E., ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN). But when it comes to, what was his name? Baggage, I think you're safe in exploring the articles on this blog and getting an idea of the "ass-clown,' as the articles refer to Baggage, that you're dating, share a baby with, or are married to.


The particular article I came across "Women who talk and think too Much" is about wasting your time explaining things to a man that just does not want to listen. A lot of women have been through the situation where they want to know the direction their relationship is taking (if there even is a direction, some of you are strictly in the do not pass go zone), or something messed up has happened in the relationship and they NEED to ask their men WHY they did it, how it made them FEEL, and how WRONG it was, when these men are smart enough to know all these things without you telling him, he just did not care enough to not do them. I'm not talking about how you got all dressed up one night and he forgot to tell you how nice you look, I'm talking about how you got all dressed up one night to spend time with him and he forgot to show up. Women spend so much energy talking, talking, and more talking, and what does he give you. A bunch of one word answers, just stares at you, maybe even flips it on you and tell you how you messed up. What women are missing is that Baggage's head is obviously not where your head is at. He's doing everything ON HIS SCHEDULE. He will communicate with you on a NEED TO KNOW. So get with the program and bounce chica. Chuck dem deuces!

If I had a dollar for every time one of my girls asked me should I call him to talk I would be rich. I have to ask, why you always calling him to talk. Don't yall just talk, communicate, share, whatever. Track how many times you called to "talk" and I bet every single one of them was because something bad happened. If that's the case, you need to put on them Nike's, start running, and never look back. But do they, no. I get the return phone call, we argued. Duh. Did he apologize? Not for why I am upset but for something else (p.s that dude is slick, cause he can apologize entirely for something else and got you thinking you've won...bahahahahahaha). Duh. So are you guys going to meet up to make up? No. RUN B*TCH RUNNNNNNNNN! A man does not have to spend every waking minute of the day with you. You don't need to speak every day. But when situations start getting rough in your relationship, and there is not enough communicating in the relationship and spending Quality time to work out the kinks, girl get a clue. He's telling you he's not in it/interested enough/too tired whatever to work things out with you so let it go. Don't wait for him to tell you to go. Men who generally do bad things are so screwed up that they still don't want to be the bad guy. Don't waste your brain matter trying to figure out the absurdity of it. They are going to do enough to make you tired and give you the boots to start walking, so when they do get to gettin.

Stop holding on to the one you're with who's not with you, and get READY for the one who will want to be with you. And please women, get yourself ready for him. If all you're relationships are like this one, you're not yet ready for a man who is ready to be with you, because you'll either A) love to easy or B)punish that man for the last man's mistake. Examine and cleanse yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically to turn all the lemons your relationships has given you into lemonade.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE! : TODAY IS MY ONE MONTH NAPPIVERSATY!!! meaning..I've been natural for one month!! yaaayyy...I love being natural. I dnt miss that creamy crack rubbish!! If any girls out there are thinking of going natural...just do it! you will love it! my hair is healthier, thicker, and believe it or not easier to maintain. I love my texture and the versitility that comes along with natural hair. AM loving this this natural journey!!!!

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