Feb 23, 2011

Stand for Kenya

On February 28th, at 1 pm, East Africa time: Kenyans will come together and unite in the prayer that is the Kenyan National Anthem, to celebrate their unity as a people, and to remind themselves that together, they can achieve much more.On this occasion, Kenyans come together, not to protest against anything but to stand for unity

  As an African, and more importantly a Kenyan; I couldn't be more proud of What Kenya is doing on february 28th. Just incase you have no clue of what I'm talking about, Please take this moment and click on this link to learn more about this epic historical moment : http://28feb.co.ke/

For the record, This is not about politics or Kibaki and Raila's overly annoying ways of rubbing Kenyans the wrong way. So if you are one of those " I dont care about politics" Nazis then stay calm. Its all about unity and standing up as one nation, in one accordance. For the first time in my 2...(hold up, I was just about to give away my age )...anyways, for the first time in my  many years of life, I am so proud of  my country. Ever since I could I remember, Kenyans as a people have been crippled and divided by tribalism. Hence, progress has been a foreign language to us. Lets for once join forces and look at each other as one people.

Its a fresh start for this beautiful country. This is not a cause requiring cynicism but optimism. Before you knock the concept of unity in Kenya out, Please keep in mind that We do have a Black President in the united states now. With that being said, Anything is possible and YES WE CAN!! I actually had a very interesting conversation with a few Kenyans and their crippled minds asked me "what's next after we sing this song? and what's actually the point of all this?"...First of all its not just any song...its the National anthem; the song of all songs that defines who we are as Kenyans. Secondly, what happens After 1 pm on feb 28th is really upto you. You can choose to change your thinking, stop the ignorance, kick nonchalance to the curb and embrace patriotism  and change or you can continue living life the same way. The latter is what I would choose, but hey to each its own.

Cut me open, and I'll bleed Black, red, white and green. Even though I currently don't reside in Kenya...you can count on me being part of this glorious day! YES LORD. And that concludes my patriotic moment of the day. GO KENYA!!!! *waves the Kenyan flag*

Peace, Love, Change.


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