Apr 13, 2011

From my heart to your ears

In my 8 months of blogging, I have never responded to vicious critics. They’re trying to deal with their issues via me and I won’t give them that power. There are three things I hate about blogging and social media in general;

1. Complete and utter strangers thinking they know you and have the right to tell you how wrong you are and what to do.

2. People judging your character solely based on a tweet/blog/status update

3. People thinking I care

Note: If you find yourself judging who I am based on a blog, then you are such a great judge of character. You are right, you know it all, and I am a bad, horrible person. One of those statements is a lie.

I get vicious emails weekly but I never respond. Why? Because those responses say more about them, not me. If you don’t like my blog, then why do you keep coming back to read it. Here’s a golden rule; if You don’t like someone’s blog, don’t subscribe, don’t read it. Just create your own. You have one life, and it is not a rehearsal. Did you know the curtain went up? Do something with your life. Pretty soon you’re going to die. I am not even kidding you. What will people say when you die? You are wasting time criticizing my blog instead of handling your unfinished business. I observe a lot of e-bitching from people who don’t create, but destroy and spectate. What is even more sad is that there are numerous writers, bloggers and musicians who are derailed by unconstructive criticism they read online. The people that should be heard, allow the haters that shouldn’t be heard, steal their spotlight. Very tragic.

Sidenote : I am all open to being criticized, BUT your criticism has to be constructive with logic. That’s all.

Let me just tell all the creative people out there, keep creating. Perfect your craft and let the aimless critics do what they do best. You are a doer, they are talkers. Let’s see who yields what.

And to all the people hiding behind computer screens spreading venom and typing things they would never say to your face in real life; get a therapist. Better yet, seek the Lord.

General rule: Never stop too low to explain yourself to people who are trying to pull you down. They will drown you.

Took me 20 years to realize that human beings are fallible creatures. Pseudo-sociologists/politicians/prophets are ubiquitous. Here’s the deal, Opinions are like armpits, we all have them; informed opinions on the other hand are a rarity. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to perspectives on certain issues. It’s an analysis. You don’t have to agree with my perspective, but see it for what it is. We can disagree with each other’s opinions without it descending to into throwing slurs, personal attacks and ad hominem criticism. Is that too much to ask?

I blog/tweet about things deemed anti-status quo. Not to form a consensus around my opinions but for mutually beneficial e-discussions. I am very much aware that I don't know everything. That's why I love engaging in intellectual debates because I learn so much from other people's perspectives and opinions. For the record, I use sarcasm, irony and humor to discuss about most issues. People are bound to disagree, yes I get that. But at the same time being completely tone deaf to humor is like a death sentence. Problem is some of my blog readers, especially men, think My posts are about them specifically and have decided to label me a misandrist. Truth Is, I am not a man hater. No matter what men do, I still love them too much to truly hate them. That’s just how it is. I might dislike a few because of their ways but I can never dismiss all males and hate them; NEVER. Why? Because, they are not all the same.

Anyways, let step off the soap box. To all the my blog readers who support me. Thanks. To all those who disagree with my perspective and choose to engage in intellectual debates without taking it personal and exchange ideas in a mature healthy manner, you rock! Much love and lots of cyber hugs.

In conclusion, close-minded, conceited people never progress in life because they think they’ve already achieved it all. Also, Life is a journey, and there are many paths to the final destination. Just because someone is using a different path than you, doesn't mean that they are on the wrong path. Simply means, individuality prevails.

I just had to let it out of my (stage 5-bigger-than-Rick Ross titty) chest. *crosses arm over chest and takes a deep breath*

 Speaking of Rick Ross, I once had this dream that was so plausible I think it was prophetic. I dreamt that I went to a Rick Ross Birthday party. On my way there, I stopped at victoria's secret to buy him a few bras. (yes the man has titties). I arrived late and he was on stage performing. Can you imagine he did a stage dive? Luckily he landed on Michael Jackson so no one died. After that stage dive, he started making fun of Drake. Drake cried and wet himself. I started laughing, Drake's eyebrows chased me out of the party. While I was running, Nicki minaj joined me, Her booty pads fell off. TRAGIC. Rick Ross, seeing how Drake's eyebrows are about to torture me, he tried getting into his lamborghini to come after me, but he could not fit in. He then took the van, drove by and rescued me from these thick eyebrows. We then conversed, well I spoke to his belly ( I had flat shoes on, the man is TALL).

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