Aug 25, 2010

Life's Obscurity

Some call it a humbling experience, some call it "hard times", and some just have no clue what it is. Yep! am talking about that moment in your life when EVERYTHING goes wrong, the present is filled with nothing but stress, sorrow, brooding, frustration, and your future is Faint and obscure. You cry like a baby, you scream, you skip meals or if you are like spend hours at the gym kickboxing (my therapy) or doing some crazy workout just to ease that pain. Ok you get the picture now. We all go through this; thats why its called LIFE!

So last saturday I had the priviledge of taking my PCAT exam...WHOA!! I definitely needed a shock absorber. 5 hrs of pure agony. Its basically a test of your knowledge and mental endurance. All I can say is am glad Am done with it but the waiting period for my results is killing me inside. I have worked sooooo hard toward going to pharmacy school and am one step away and everything seems to be crumbling. This month has been tough...If it wasn't for the Grace of God I would be.....Never mind. I almost gave up but Part of me is telling me this is just one obstacle I have to overcome.

yep! they say I look like mommy:)
or should i say..I got it from my mama!

First day of school for me was Yesterday...GOSH! ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IS NO JOKE!!!. I do not mean to scare any future pre-pharmacy /pre-meds out there but this stuff is hardcore and if you DO NOT GET YOUR SERIOUS ATTITUDE ON will FAIL. so yeah I have to give 110%. Its going to be a rough ride this semester because my mind has to process a million things at the same time and its not cute at all. But I will somehow manage.
P.S: my Professor is Nigerian (holla!!).  Anyways....I have homework ALREADY!!!! these teachers never waste time man!

Sidenote: That extra coffee caramel Frappucinno from starbucks is the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (try it!)

Note: Please listen to Bruno mars new song..."just the way you are"...its makes me teary because its sooo sweet!!! Thats true appreciation right there!

P.S: I hurt my index finger baaadly...accidentally slammed the car door on it...ouch!!! (just incase you care..if not oh well, I dn't care either. LOL...jk)

SPecial thanks to all those people who subscribed to my blog and are sending me feedback via email. I LOVE YOU!! THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT! MMUUUAAAAAHHHHH! :)))))))

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