On December 1st, individuals and organizations will recognize World AIDS Day. This year’s theme is leadership – from all sectors, including government, but also leaders among individuals and families, communities, non-profits and other organizations.
Ok guys!! for those that know me, ya'll know am bubbly, energetic, sarcastic and laugh ALLL the time. but this blog is gonna be different. I rarely get emotional but everytime I think of HIV/AIDS my heart breaks. Am gonna get personal here...I have lost family members to this pandemic. ITs not something to be ashamed about and thats why am putting it out there. I know we all like to act like AIDS only affects "them" and "we" will never be affected. but guess what? you might not contract it but maybe you know someone who has it or you lost a friend, pal, anyone to this disease. you think Education is Expensive? try ignorance...well fasten your seat belts..grab some tissues and let me give you some statistics.
1An estimated 33.4-million people are living with HIV/ Aids worldwide but only 40% know that they are actually infected, of whom about 22.5 million (range: 20.9 million - 24.3 million) are in sub-Saharan Africa where the adult infection prevalence is about 6%.
Approximately 14,000 new HIV infections occur daily around the world and over 90% of these are in developing countries. One thousand are in children less than 15 years of age. Of adult infections, 40% are in women and 15% in individuals of 15 - 25 years of age. Perinatal infection has resulted in a large number of children being born with HIV. 30-50% of mother to child transmissions of HIV results from breast feeding and about a quarter of babies born to HIV-infected mothers are themselves infected.
2. In October 2009, CDC released new estimates of the extent of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. These showed that 1,106,400 adults and adolescents were living with HIV infection in the United States at the end of 2006 (95% Confidence Interval: 1,056,400–1,156,400). This compares with approximately 994,000 infected Americans at the end of 2003 and 641,086 in 1996. Thus, HIV prevalence increased by approximately 112,000 (or 11%) from 2003 to 2006. This increase was expected and was the result of anti-retroviral treatment which greatly extends life and because more people become infected with HIV than die from the disease each year. Infected men heavily outnumber women with 828,000 cases in males and 278,400 cases in females (figure 10B).
Seventy percent of HIV-infected people in 2006 were between the ages of 25 and 49 (770,000 persons), 25% were age 50 and older (280,000 persons), and 5% were between the ages of 13 and 24 (56,500 persons). Approximately, 10,000 cases were estimated in children under age 13.
Nearly half of all people living with HIV in the U.S. in 2006 (48%, or 532,000 total persons) were men who have sex with men.
New infections
It was estimated that 56,300 people were newly infected with HIV in 2006 and 53% of these new infections occurred in gay and bisexual men.
3. The following states have the highest infections:California, Florida, New York State and Texas. Among the 50 states, the lowest numbers were in Vermont, South Dakota, Wyoming and North Dakota.
4. As of 2006 22,220 people in the Dallas area were infected with HIV and that number has increased by 42 %.
The World health organization released a new publication two days ago saying we are finally winning the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. the number of infections has dropped by 25% within the last 5 years and that is GREAT news. more people are getting informed and taking initiative. they are hoping that by 2015 the pandemic will have reduced tremendously.
Use protection guys!!! This pandemic is real.
5 ways to be greater than Aids :
-Know the facts about HIV/ AIDS- http://www.greaterthan.org/know
-Talk- Start a conversation http://www.facebook.com/greaterthanaids
-Project - Use a condom
-Get tested
Take action and start getting involved locally---if you are interested in this please call, txt, email, facebook or skype me. Please please get involved.
On that Note: Larona and I have decided to go get tested. This is our first step towards fighting the AIDS pandemic. Doesn't matter if you are a virgin or not. Get tested, there are SOOO many ways you can get this virus. TAKE ACTION. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CLINIC TO GET TESTED.
Pledge: I have made a vow to start being publicly involved in combating this disease. As of nxt week..I will join Dallas county and Educating people around the metroplex about this disease and I will also be volunteering at this shelter and become a mentor to teen who are HIV positive. Its high time I start giving back to the community.